

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the post below is about the institutional office Peta nerve centre in downtown Norfolk Virginia.
As always I can say that there are some individuals there who know the place is run by religious/ex-police/ ex military / tight arses. BUT ,The weird -looking Newkirks of Peta love that type of person running the departments...and they don't have supreme love for animals....they love the sounds of their own brains fighting the world which is a very different thing.

Now self justification is an accusation can never be proved theoretically....but it can be tested....Next time you are anywhere near a Peta head Office try shouting Peta managers are control freaks and prefer mind fucking to sex....then watch the sparks fly...The pictures of Spain show liberated good willed people baring their all to stop the Corrida.....but
don't ever entrust sexual liberation to the likes of the American Central Office Peta'rds as for them its only a useful means but not and end or beginning in itsef...and thats why despite the fact that they don' t eat meat ...their auras really STINK of death.

Stop the bullfights stop animal experiments etc and destroy PETA at the same time. You'll be doing every animal including humans a great beatific service and sponsoring people to not eating or abusing animals which Peta has never done.....and cannot do because they lack devotion.And without that only their hate other haters.

now giggle.... as that was a particularly difficult piece....

peta pricks and carnivore cunts

I worked at Peta some time ago.I am dedicated to animal welfare as a vegan.I do not support killing to eat.Its ugly.I do not support either PETA or the Carnivore world.
Peta people are emotionally lazy and dysfunctional hence their cause obsessed self justification shield.Meat eaters are also emotionally lazy hence their sleepy violence.
Luckily there are other folks out there who could run the world after the revolution ! Peta is authoritarian stalinist confronting authoritarian fascist. Without any self reflective psychology.It would help if both Peta and the mindset they apparently oppose would disappear back to the non-liberated hell they come from.The Peta institution is run and organised by severely dysfunctional people.. the only difference is that they don't eat other beings, but they are very very ugly ....and below the surface ugly too. Which makes their attempts at believability a complete waste of time for the animals out there..We need some really turned on people out there (not these moralists and psychos) to create changes in people..because they sure as hell can't...
watch out for the blood curdling peta replies....aaaaiie help they're throwing tofu at me already !

Vegetarian/Vegan gastronomy

Vegetarian/Vegan gastronomy

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sophie Marceau naked

Sophie Marceau naked

Lucy Davis nude for PETA - another one? « Kahlee’s Blog: Never Give a Cheerleader a Keyboard

Lucy Davis nude for PETA - another one? « Kahlee’s Blog: Never Give a Cheerleader a Keyboard


IAKA - International Aid for Korean Animals - Home

check this page out and write to the Korean Embassy media etc to publicise the suffering of Korean Wild animals at the hands of violent idiots .Thanks for your time.

Abolitionist-Online - A Voice for Animal Rights

Abolitionist-Online - A Voice for Animal Rights

budaveg, vegetarian and vegan self catering apartment in Budapest, Hungary, fully equipped lovely flat in downtown for rent

budaveg, vegetarian and vegan self catering apartment in Budapest, Hungary, fully equipped lovely flat in downtown for rent