

Monday, February 22, 2010

STING and Paul Lowe aka (Teertha) and Tantra and the Dictator's Daughter

If anyone does feel like venting their spleen or campaigning or feeling self righteous ( I often do, it comes with the failure to do the neo Right up the Garden Path training for 1500 quid) then here is some elliptical information that I am sure and trust will not prove litigious (legally defamatory)

Alternatively u might just feel it helps in some way.(please be in your heart before committing pen to paper if prompted...and u can check if u are in your heart at

So the story thus far.
I like 'campaigning'. I'm good at it so some say. Or so bad I get noticed for my views.
never mind... so the general idea is that this is a political headline so I will comment politically.
(Get on with it !!. :Ed;)

Following my constant theme that Koregaon park is being inveigled media-tically though these events I have attempted to go global by analysing the relevant Western/ Uzbekhi/ Afghani/Zealot menace.
It turns out that yesterday the BBC broadcast Craig Murrays/David Hares play on precisely this connection. Our man In Samarkand .
And today The media in UK have picked up on the fact that STING got paid a $million to play at the Dictator's request and recently dismissed criticism of his role in sponsoring this vile tyrant.


Cut to Oshobob's mention of TEERTHA (Paul Lowe) in Herges/Tin Tin biographical book circa 2000.

Teertha/ Paul Lowe has become/ was until recently STING and Trudie's Guru. see here their ode to him.. (see website address below:)
“Paul Lowe is a teacher of insight.
He’s also good for a laugh.
He has the face of a fallen angel
and the legs of an old giraffe.
He’ll make you think, he’ll make you cry.
He claims he’s not afraid to die
If he grew wings you know he’d fly.
And he’s not afraid to tell you why.
For Paul is a teacher of insight,
he’s also good for a laugh.
Like a Moses who has dropped the commandments.
And he doesn’t need a staff.
I know it’s not much of a poem,
and it doesn’t have much of a tune
but we hope it conveys the love we share,
poetic flare, it’s rude but fair.
And we hope to see you soon.”
- Love. Sting & Trudie, UK
the above is from website

My personal recollection Mr Lowe is of a man who whilst proclaiming the menace of jealousy was unable in a Totnes meeting circa 1990 to mention once the name of OSHO. Despite repeated attempts to ask him why from the audience . It is also my recollection that he declared he was in touch with other planetary forces/ beings from other planets. There are of course no public recordings from these meetings. Though there were other sannyassins there at the meeting .

Should you wish to confer on Sting your opinion of Sponsor a Monster you can access his website (for a price) or go to his facebook page.
Meantime IF Mr Lowe is still advising Mr Sting you may also wish to tell your truth to him to be delivered in his next meeting with the banjo player/ Dictator's daughter's image maker. You can check his website by googling Paul Lowe.

Obviously there is no implied or assumed causative responsibility on Mr Lowe for Mr Sumners (Sting's) actions or opinions.

The pope is a catholic.

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